I would like to invite you to be part of this Weekly Magazine by raising questions and giving me suggestions through e-mail so this magazine can become a good material for all flamenco lovers, researchers and musicians. Enjoy it!
In this picture Paco de Lucia wears a Mexican poncho(indigenous costume) as he happily lived for about 30 years in Mexico (in Playa del Carmen). He moved since 1977, right after he launched his revolutionary album “Almoraima” a year before. At the following link you can read an interview in whihc he explains the reasons why he moved there:
QUESTION 1: Years ago I bought a guitar from a Spanish luthier who told me that his guitar was very easy to play but, in time, I realized it was not so. I even developed an injury on my left hand because of playing with such a high action, my question is: How can luthiers know about what we (players) need if they don’t play guitar? And, on the other hand, how come most guitar players are not very versed in knowledge regarding the guitar most important features and its construction?
QUESTION 2: I have been is Spain several times but, some times, I have stumbled with teachers/players who told me that I could never possibly play flamenco guitar well just because I wasn’t born there (in Spain, is it true? Please elaborate on that.
QUESTION 5: I heard you saying that the order of the bracings inside the guitar cannot be the same for left handed guitars than for the right handed ones, can you explain this to me?
QUESTION 6: I heard people saying that you and Paco abuse the picado technique and that less notes are better than too many notes, what can you say about this?
Here is a nice video from “College Humor”, a popular YouTube channel. Their creative way to portray what could be considered as an even worse but veiled racism represented with acid humor.