Special Issue |
Past Issues |
Issue 45- July 13th, 2013 |
I would like to invite you to be part of this Weekly Magazine by raising questions and giving me suggestions through e-mail so this magazine can become a good material for all flamenco lovers, researchers and musicians. Enjoy it! |
Contents |
A.-Comments, Questions and Answers:
QUESTION 1: I heard that Antonio Torres did not give much importance to the kind of wood used for the back and sides of a guitar, and to prove that it was the top what maters in 1862 he built a guitar with back and sides of papier-mâché (that guitar resides in the Museu de la Musica in Barcelona) what is your opinion regarding that?
QUESTION 2: How can I play rhythmically better some fragments of the solo part on “Rio Ancho” by Paco de Lucia
QUESTION 3: I still can’t play fast “picados” so could you please show me one or two simpler “remates” in Solea por Buleria?
QUESTION 4: I would like you to please elaborate about the places to locate the chord changes in Solea por Buleria,
B.- Meeting with Tomatito:
1) Meeting with Tomatito - Pictures
C.- Videos of the Week:
1) Picado Remates of 19 Notes por Soleá por Bulería Part 2 to 7 (6 videos)
2) “Entre dos aguas” for Beginners Based on: “Entre dos aguas” (Rumba) by Paco de Lucía Parts 8 and 9
D.- Videos Recently Included in My Website
1) Cante Accompaniment and Nuances “Cante” - "Na es Eterno" (Bulería) by Camaron and Paco de Lucia - Parts 1 to 4 (4 videos)
E.- Video Recommendations of the Week:
1) Vicente Amigo's Guitar High-End Pick-Up Installation |
A.- Comments, Questions and Answers: |
QUESTION 1: I heard that Antonio Torres did not give much importance to the kind of wood used for the back and sides of a guitar, and to prove that it was the top what maters in 1862 he built a guitar with back and sides of papier-mâché (that guitar resides in the Museu de la Musica in Barcelona) what is your opinion regarding that? |

QUESTION 2: How can I play rhythmically better some fragments of the solo part on “Rio Ancho” by Paco de Lucia |

QUESTION 3: I still can’t play fast “picados” so could you please show me one or twosimple “remates” in Solea por Buleria? |

QUESTION 4: I would like you to please elaborate about the places to locate the chord changes in Solea por Buleria, |

B.- Meeting with Tomatito |
Last Monday, July 8th I went to the concert of Tomatito in the Gran Teatro fo Cordoba with my friend Paco Navarro and had the pleasure to meet another gypsy guitar player named Juan Vargas. The day after (Tuesday, July 9th) I a little chat with Tomatito during at the end of his Master Class in the frame of the Cordoba Guitar Festival. I want to thank my friend Paco Navarro who took some of the pictures! |
To see the pictures click HERE
C.- Videos of the Week: |
1) Picado Remates of 19 Notes por Soleá por Bulería Part 2 to 7 (6 videos) |
Click here to watch the NEW video ONLY - From Part 2 to Part 7

Click here to watch the whole series

2) “Entre dos aguas” for Beginners Based on: “Entre dos aguas” (Rumba) by Paco de Lucía Parts 8 and 9 |
Click here to watch the NEW video ONLY - From Part 8 to Part 9

Click here to watch the whole series

C.- Videos Recently Included in My Website |
1) Cante Accompaniment and Nuances - "Na es Eterno" (Bulería) by Camaron and Paco de Lucia - Parts 1 to 4 (4 videos) |

D.- Video Recommendation of the Week: |
1)Vicente Amigo's Guitar High-End Pick-Up Installation |
For those who would like to install a pick-up on a flamenco guitar, here is an expert whom John Mc Laughlin also recommends, he is from Germany and he installed successfully a pick up on an Andalusian Guitars guitar model Marcelo Barbero 1945 for one of my students.
Here is his web site as well http://carlosjuan.eu/#&panel1-3 |
CP-1 Vicente High-End Installation from Carlos Juan on Vimeo. |
ISSUE 10 |
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ISSUE 42 |
ISSUE 43 |
ISSUE 44 |