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Issue 14 - October 9th, 2012

I would like to invite you to be part of this Weekly Magazine by raising questions and giving me suggestions through e-mail so this magazine can become a good material for all flamenco lovers, researchers and musicians. Enjoy it!


A.- Comments, Questions and Answers:

I previously had a guitar varnished in French polished and now it’s worn off almost completely in just three years of playing with it, but my model Santos 1927 is perfect even after 6 years. I wonder which kind of varnish has hence it does sound great and protects very nicely the guitar. I would like to know according to your experience which varnishes are better or more resistant for traveling to different climates?

B.- Videos of the Week:

1) How to Make and Use a “Sordina” (1 video)

2) How Carbon Fiber Nut Enhances the Sound of the Guitar let carbon fiber enhances the sound of the guitar (1 video)

3) Counting on Halfs por Tangos (1 video)

4) Continuación of: "Rhythmic Exercises Zapateado". NEW videos from 4 to 7

5) Continuation of: "Understanding "Gitanos Andaluces" (Bulería). NEW videos 8 & 9

C.- Video Recommendation of the Week:

1) Synchronization of Metronomes


A.- Comments, Questions and Answers:


I previously had a guitar varnished in French polished and now it’s worn off almost completely in just three years of playing with it, but my model Santos 1927 is perfect even after 6 years. I wonder which kind of varnish has hence it does sound great and protects very nicely the guitar. I would like to know according to your experience which varnishes are better or more resistant for traveling to different climates?



The makers of the guitars I play have their own special formula regarding varnish. I have played many old guitars which have French polish end, and although this kind of finish is regarded generally as a high quality varnish, it does not really protect the guitar either for hot or cold climates. It was used for many reasons but the main one was because many years ago there was no other better way to protect the wood of the instrument.

French polish, although it looks “beautiful”, is not very durable or practical for players who often tour, play and travel to different climates, exposing their instruments to airplanes, air conditioned in recording studios etc. French polish can be worn out even by sweat!

The varnish of the guitars I play is a very good one because it allows the sound to flow, hence it does not cover up excessively the inner texture of the wood and protects the guitar as well. It’s similar to the lacquer one but much finer, a superior quality. On the other hand, as far as the mixture of natural /chemical elements is concerned that kind of varnish is something in between the French polish and regular lacquer.

For a luthier every single aspect should to give predominance and paramount importance to the sound and durability of the instrument. Regarding varnishes there are hundreds of varieties out there and therefore functionality and sound are first in my opinion.

In addition, this video illustrates about varnish materials for guitars:


B.- Videos of the Week:

1) How to Make and Use a “Sordina” (1 video)

2) How Carbon Fiber Nut Enhances the Sound of the Guitar let carbon fiber enhances the sound of the guitar (1 video)

3) Counting on Halfs por Tangos (1 video)

4) Continuación of: "Rhythmic Exercises Zapateado". NEW videos from 4 to 7

5) Continuation of: "Understanding "Gitanos Andaluces" (Bulería). NEW videos 8 & 9

1) How to Make and Use a “Sordina”

let sordina how to

2) How Carbon Fiber Nut Enhances the Sound of the Guitar let carbon fiber enhances the sound of the guitar (1 video)

let carbon fiber enhances sound

3) Counting on Halfs por Tangos (1 video)

let counting halfs tangos

4) Continuación of: "Rhythmic Exercises Zapateado". NEW videos from 4 to 7

let zapateado exercises

5) Continuation of: "Understanding "Gitanos Andaluces" (Bulería). NEW videos 8 & 9

let git andaluces understand

C.- Video Recommendation of the Week:

1) Synchronization of Metronomes

From the experiment showed in this video I learned that alike the metronomes, when we play in groups or bands -although we may have a different tempo- we can synchronize together if there is a common motion (a metaphysical one) running on.









© All rights reserved by Ruben Diaz 2012